Larry Cornett, Ph.D.
1 min readSep 6, 2015

I have often said that the biggest regret of my career is that I didn’t fully pursue learning how to develop, really develop, my own software. I have always prototyped my designs, and still do to this day. For me, it’s just a necessary part of really working through the design and getting the flow of the user experience right. But, I’ve also dabbled in learning how to code over the years, starting with HyperCard and including Rexx, Smalltalk, C++, Java, HTML/CSS/Javascript, Objective-C, and now Swift (I just can’t stop trying). So, I echo Andrei’s advice for all of the young tech designers out there: Learn how to code. Learn how to make what you’ve designed become real. If you can design your vision and then actually build it, you will be unstoppable.

Larry Cornett, Ph.D.

I'm a Freedom Coach who works with you to optimize your professional career, lifestyle business, & personal life. Become Invincible!